I just hate it when I type a long post and the electricity goes out, and then I lose all my work. ARGH! Okay well let's start over... C'est la vie.
We had our second Wolof class today!! It was awesome. I don't know why they don't offer Wolof in Universities. Probably because no one would take it... but that's a lame explanation because it's such a cool language to learn. Although I understand that it's not very useful unless you're traveling in West Africa... which is like less than 2% of the American population. BUT STILL, no excuse. It's a ballin' language. So, as you might have guessed, I'm going to attempt to teach you Wolof... (and I know Ariana is the only one reading this and attempting to speak Wolof).
Initial Conversation with everyone:
Asalaa maalekum (Peace be with you)
--> Malekum Salaam (and you also)
Na nga def? (How are you?)
-->Maa ngi fi rekk (I am fine)
Ana waa ker ga? (How's the family?)
-->Nu nga fa. (They are fine.. it literally means "they are here")
Alhamdulilay. (Thank God)
Other useful phrases:
Fate naa sa tur. (I forgot your name.) (SOO USEFUL)
Baax maa (It is good)
Baal ma, Bebenan. (Forgive me, until next time --> good to say for beggars)
Kii kan la? (Who is this?)
Yow naka la tudd? (What is your name?)
-->Mon (your name) la tudd.
Yow naka la sant? (What is your last name?)
--> Mon (last name) la tudd.
Jerejef (Thank you)
--> Nokko Bok. (your welcome)
waaw = yes
deedeet = no
Fii fan la? (Where is here?)
Naka la nuy waxe ci Wolof? (How do you say (blank) in Wolof?)
Jamm nga fanaan? (Did you have a good night?/Good morning!)
--> Jamm rekk, Alhamdulilay. (yes.. literally mean peace only)
Jamm nga yeen du? (Did you have a good day?)
-->Jamm rekk, Alhamdulilay.
Fananal ak Jamm. (Goodnight)
--> Jamm ak jamm. (peace and peace)
Mon American la. (I am American)
Deegna Wolof? (Do you understand and know Wolof?)
Kii suma harit la (You are my friend)
Tuuti. (a little bit)
ba ci kanaam. (See you later)
So that is my petit lesson to the world. Basically, if you can speak a little Wolof, people won't hassle and rip you off as much because they think you're a local. Also, the Senegalais get sooo excited when you know a little Wolof.
Anyways, hope you find it as cool as I do. :)
I will print out your Wolof language guide and bring it with me to Senegal! Hopefully I will be able to speak a little Wolof by the end of my trip =)